Best of Brittany, France in 2022 Part 1

If you have been asking yourself “What Should I See and Do in Brittany, France in 2023?” look no further. In today’s post, I will share my 2022 Highlights to give you some ideas for your upcoming trip. See something in particular that catches your eye? Please leave a comment and I will be sure to cover that area in more detail in an upcoming post. Please also use the Search function to see if I have already written about that area or town.
I have been blessed with a few wonderful clients who kept me quite busy in 2022 (and into 2023, thankfully), but I took full advantage of weekends to explore the region in which I now call home.
In the beginning of the new year, I visited the Château du Guildo and Château de la Hunaudaye. Both of these castles are located in the Cotes-d’Armor department, built in the 12th century, and worth a visit. These two in particular are considered “ruins” but I personally found them just as fascinating as the larger, “in tact” beauties we have here. I walked along the partial walls that remain, imagining what daily life was like for those who inhabited this site.
If you are interested in learning more about castles in Brittany, please see my blog post here: https://talesfrombrittany.com/must-see-castles-in-brittany/
Is January a good time to visit Brittany?
January is quiet in most areas of Brittany. Many of the restauranteurs and shop owners take a well-deserved break after the bustling holiday season. As a resident, I love this time of year. The air is cool and crisp, it is easy to navigate around the area with fewer cars on the expressway, and the real bonus? There are parking spots a plenty … a rarity in small tourist towns. If shopping and eating out are not your travel priorities, and you enjoy a very low key vibe, this may be a good month for you to come. Air fare is generally cheaper and it is certainly easier to find a hotel then in December or the summer months.

Having grown up in the Midwestern United States, with long and cold winters, I cannot begin to describe how happy I am to be able to take an hour-long stroll or few-hour hike here with only a heavy jacket. No need for snow boots or foot warmers, just a backpack with water and a few snacks.
Hiking around the magnificent Brittany coastline never ceases to amaze and inspire me. While I have walked along the same oceanfront on several occasions, each time brings with it a new experience. Perhaps the light was different or the tide was edging out rather than creeping back in. Whatever the case, the trail running through the Cotes d’Armor and Ille-et-Villaine departments contain breathtaking views any time of year.
A favorite hiking spot is along the plage des Chevrets (Guimorais, specifically). I highly recommend this trail in the early morning, maybe an hour after sunrise. It is absolutely stunning.

February hikes also included the Plage Saint-Sieu in Lanceiux. Mind you, it was February, and the wind was a tad bitey, but ohhhhhh how beautiful it was! The longer I am here, the more I understand why people who live near the sea never want to leave.
As Jacques Yves Cousteau once said –
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”

Another favorite, which I also visited several times last year, was the small boat “cemetery” at Quelmer La Passagere. As I wrote in one of my Instagram posts, there is something so beautiful in the way these old boats lie half submerged, many with holes in their sides, all with fresh coats of paint by (I imagine) local artists. It is an almost eerie beauty. What stories these boats could tell!

I was absolutely thrilled to host a few of my (very) long-time friends last year. In March, my friend Connie, whom I met back in 1990 in Paris during a study abroad program, came and it was like not a moment had passed since then. We spent a lovely time in Dinan then headed up to St Malo, one of my very favorite cities in Brittany.

More information about St Malo and environs can be found in my blog post here: https://talesfrombrittany.com/saint-malo-and-les-rochers-sculptes-de-rotheneuf/
If you are looking for some incredible parks in the area, please see my post here:
Later in the month, my partner and I hiked along the Rance River in Cancaval. The color of the water was the most perfect emerald color, the sky a color I have nicknamed “Brittany blue”, and the weather was, as we say here, “doux” – a word that means “sweet” but in this sense rather warm and refreshing.

A final hike was in Le Minihic-sur-Rance, a place that we would return several times throughout the year, especially with little Stella, my furry sidekick.

If you love to hike as much as I do, you can check out a few of my randonnée related posts here:
Hiking Through France on the G34 Trail https://talesfrombrittany.com/hiking-through-brittany-france-on-the-g34-trail/
A Visit to Saint Suliac https://talesfrombrittany.com/a-visit-to-saint-suliac-bretagne-france/
Looking back through my 4,000 photos from 2022, it is safe to say I had many wonderful moments. While some days (or weeks) were trying, and it has taken a good chunk of time to get used to living (rather than visiting) France, I can safely say that I am 100% certain I made the right decision to move.
Where to find additional information about Brittany:
How do I plan a trip to France? https://talesfrombrittany.com/travel-tips-how-to-plan-your-trip/
When is the Best Time to Visit Brittany? https://talesfrombrittany.com/when-is-the-best-time-to-visit-brittany-france/
Why Brittany? https://talesfrombrittany.com/why-brittany/
Stay tuned for the rest of 2022 highlights, and again, be sure to comment on those areas that you would like additional information.
I wish you a very happy day. Stay safe and well.
Amy, from Tales from Brittany