• Destinations

    The Forest of Brocéliande: Where Legends are Born

    There are people whose souls are fed through art and music or lying on the beach listening to waves crashing against the shore. I certainly love and appreciate those things too. When my soul needs nourishment, however, I head to the forest. I am immediately taken to a new level of peace and tranquility when I am surrounded by trees. The smell of the damp earth and the trickling of a nearby creek fill me with immense joy. A few years ago, I visited the Foret de Huelgoat in Brittany’s Finistere department, and it remains one of my most favorite places in the region. This summer, I was thrilled to…

  • Cultural notes,  Recipes from Brittany

    French Recipes: Le Broyé du Poitou (in French and English)

    This recipe comes from my dear friend Isabelle. It is one of her favorites because has been passed down from her grandmothers. Isabelle has fond memories of making this cake with her family and now she has graciously shared this recette with us. Please let us know in the comments if you make this special treat. Cette recette vient de ma chère amie Isabelle. C’est l’une de ses préférées car elle vient de ses grands-mères. Isabelle a de très bons souvenirs de ce gâteau qu’elle faisait en famille, et elle a gracieusement partagé cette recette avec nous. Faites-nous savoir dans les commentaires si vous faites ce gâteau spécial. “Je suis…