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Why You Should Visit the Pink Granite Coast in Brittany, France

There’s a stretch of coast in Brittany that feels like it’s been plucked from a tale of fairies and giants, where the rocks blush in shades of pink and the sea whispers in shades of blue. Welcome to the Pink Granite Coast, a place where nature wears her most whimsical colors.

Here are the reasons you should put the Pink Granite Coast on your Bucket List:

Nature’s Artwork

Ploumanac’h is the crown jewel of this fantastical coast, with boulders that seem to have tumbled from the sky and landed in the most photogenic poses. As I wandered along the Sentier des Douaniers, the coastal path, I couldn’t help but feel that each twist and turn revealed a new masterpiece of nature’s artwork.

Unique rock formation found on the coastline

Here, nature has outdone herself in sculpting a landscape that feels like it belongs in a dream. The pink granite rocks, kissed by centuries of wind and sea, have been shaped into the most curious and whimsical forms. Some look like giant pebbles tossed by playful giants, while others rise like ancient guardians of the shore.

I love the contrast of colors in this photo.

The lighthouse perched on the edge, the tiny islands dotting the horizon, and the endless expanse of rosy-hued rock — it’s all pure magic.


When you’re here, you truly feel like you are a million miles from the stresses of daily life. This place, where the air is filled with the scent of salt and wildflowers, the mind finds its quiet. The roar of the waves and the rustle of the wind seem to carry away any worries, leaving only clarity and calm. There’s something about this pink paradise that makes everything else fade away, and in its place is a sense of peace that’s as solid as the rocks beneath your feet.

Flora and Fauna

But it’s not just the rocks that make this place special. The coastline is a tapestry of rugged cliffs, sandy coves, and secret forests, each corner offering a new adventure. Here, you might spot rare seabirds swooping over the waves, or catch a glimpse of a seal basking on a sun-warmed rock. The air is filled with the scent of salt and pine, a combination that seems to clear the mind and refresh the soul.


And then there’s the history. The tiny fishing villages with their colorful boats, the ancient chapels nestled in the hills, and the lighthouses that stand as beacons of the past — they all tell the story of a place where land and sea have shaped both nature and culture.

The Pink Granite Coast is more than just a destination; it’s a place where the beauty of nature, the richness of history, and the thrill of exploration come together in perfect harmony. Whether you’re hiking the coastal paths, exploring the charming villages, or simply soaking in the serenity of the sea, there’s a magic here that captures the heart and inspires the spirit.

Is this a place you would like to visit one day?

How to get to Ploumanac’h

To travel from Rennes to Ploumanac’h, France, you can follow these steps:

  1. By Car: The fastest and most convenient option is to drive. The journey takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes, covering approximately 170 kilometers. Take the N12 highway from Rennes heading west, then switch to the D786 towards Perros-Guirec. Ploumanac’h is a short drive from there.
  2. By Train and Bus: Alternatively, take a train from Rennes to Lannion, which takes about 2 hours. From Lannion, you can take a bus (Line 30) or a taxi to Ploumanac’h, which is about 10 kilometers away.
  3. By Bus: Direct bus services are limited, but you can take a regional bus from Rennes to a nearby town like Saint-Brieuc or Lannion, and then connect to Ploumanac’h.

Ploumanac’h is so beautiful, so the journey is well worth it!

Best wishes for a lovely day.

Amy, from Tales from Brittany

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