Cultural notes,  Recipes from Brittany

Les Recettes: Pommes cuites caramel beurre salé Recipes: Cooked apples with salted caramel topping

Pour le dessert, il est très simple mais tellement bon.

Today, from Isabelle’s kitchen, comes a dessert that is both simple and delicious.

Il vous faut des pommes, les éplucher et les couper en petits morceaux

For this dessert, you will need the kind of apples you like best or have on hand. Simply cut them in half then chop them into smaller pieces.

Les mettre sur le feu avec un verre d eau, laisser cuire à fau doux.

Put them on the stove with a glass of water and leave them cook until soft.

Les pommes sont cuites, la cuisson dépend des pommes… Mais quand elles s’écrasent un peu…. C est cuit.

The cooking time depends on the apples. When they are a little soft, they are ready.

On peut préparer à l’avance aussi, il n’y a plus qu’à refaire chauffer un peu car c’est meilleur un peu chaud.

You can prepare the apples in advance and simply reheat them. This dessert is better when it is served warm.

Je prépare mes assiettes. Je mets les pommes dans le cercle…

To prepare the plates, put the cooked apples in a round form…

J ajouté de la classe, ici vanille et caramel et je versé du caramel beurre salé sur la glace et sur les pommes.

To make the dessert even more special, place a scoop (or two!) of ice cream on the side and add salted caramel syrup. Below is vanilla and caramel ice cream with salted caramel drizzled on top.

Bonne dégustation 😍


This is the perfect dish to accompany the trout with creamed sauce and slivered almonds (posted earlier). It is a simple and delicious dessert that can be enjoyed at any time of year.

Many thanks to Isabelle G. for sharing this recipe and photos. While I can’t be in her kitchen enjoying her company and delicious food, this makes me feel like I am there with her in spirit.

As always, please let me know if you try this or other recipes on the blog. I’m sure Isabelle would love to hear what you think after sharing them with your family and friends.

Have a wonderful rest of your day.

Amy, from Tales from Brittany


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